[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

If we jailexe Sulit, then IMO the best lynch is Emilia

I still think we lynch him

I think ‘lynch sulit jail Emilia-or-whoever’ is strictly better because lolBounty

not necessarily with a jailexe, we’re doing pretty well at the moment

My exhume will prove or deny chloe once and for all

You know, I feel pretty bad for NKs. Its EXTREMELY hard to win with so many confirms; you basically have to be flawless with your nightkills.

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If we are very sure that sulit flips scum then the Bounty doesn’t get confirmed.

Unless I’m murdered, but Self Care + Ice Ward can keep me alive

Or a King guard. :eyes:

Yes, self-care tonight.

I am seriously considering Partying tonight

in worlds where scum hit the N1 convert it is very likely that they go for me tonight

I might not end up actually doing it because it feels kind of selfish but if I talk loudly about how I could do it it’s less likely that they try to convert me :upside_down_face:

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There are no possible day-occs in Cult game right? I can’t find any

other than tavernkeeper

And tavernkeeper day occing me would be hmmst

yeah lmfao

Not the worst move, but if Vulgard got a convert off N1 and you hit them were in a much better spot right now. Cult games blow

Go for the occ!


I mean the best case scenario is the one where Vulgard missed the N1 convert and then bled out in jail because in that world we just have to find the NK

Cult seems very underpowered in 18p games. Can’t kill every night - so the second an eradicate is occupied or otherwise negated, you’re practically fucked. Fun times for Cult lmfao. We got lucky

Definitely agree.

Seemed as if Vulgard was trying a new strat and it backfired hard.