[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Why would that benefit us

Are you saying you can’t remember me among your dozen sons?


If Napoleon puts you in Allies chat will you actually talk there

I didn’t see Vulgard claiming neut D1 for little reason. It seemed more likely to me that he was trying to try and eliminate himself as a target for scum kills. However upon revision, his reads and speech seem more consistent with those of a neutral.

he was an EZ nontown read

marshal MVP plz

I will, yes.
I need fans.

But there is only one son I will allow to take my throne :slight_smile:

Wait can the prince talk to the jailed

i might not be your son but you sure are my daddy


They both can send one 1000 letter message to each other.

they send a 1 message and a 1 message is sent back

I found him first :angry:


What happens if I die? Who is the backup?

I know this sounds grim, but I can always have more children, son.

nah but u went back on it

i was EZ confident

i will gamethrow to win this argument


they just won’t be yours and will be bought on a website for $1550

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The Queen died, and the Consorts refuse to be with you in these conditions.

they’re all with me rn