[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

just soft GK

He’s gonna do an RT where he claims a red check on Arete as Sheriff

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This is post 250


He’d probably just soft his targets then.

I’m on Season 5 of Hell’s Kitchen, but Season 2 is by far the most quotable

King Marshal, probably: ‘in post seven I made a joke about oaths, oath = swear, Swear Fealty, I was clearly softing GK. now you’re not allowed to execute me.’

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Imagine remembering to soft in your posts


…Dammit, you’re right.
There are still ways to soft as King.

then he gets poisoned wine

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@Napoleon What’s your alignment?


Imagine remembering to not soft your class Day 1

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Except oath starts with o?

You know what else starts with An o? Oreo

Oreos are chocolate
And chocolate comes from a plant
Plants can be green
You know what else is green? Plants.
And plants photosynthesize. You know who needs to know that? Literally nobody.

And you know who my freinds are? Literally nobody

Freinds = allies

I allies’ed nobody because I swore fealty

You gotta be aware by now Squiddy :joy:

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TFW Allies is a day ability and SF is a night ability

Confirmed Marshal is The Botanist

If Napoleon claims wolf king I’m going to let them off the hook until we lynch the groupscum.

EK confirmed

Due to the fact that I am not GK
I must be EK


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Marshal was the Mad King

because you clearly can start as that