[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

no read my post im t otally 100% serious

high five

This is what is being referenced. I suck at quoting so this is what you get

Dude i fucked that up

This is your mental process right now:

why are you running

why r u ge



I wasn’t the only one asking him if he was bleeding, so why am I being singled out for that crap?

Heck if I know

Defending yourself by trying to deflect the heat off to others, noted. We can talk about them a bit later, right now we are interested in you.

Do you remember your thought process when you made this statement?

For the record, I don’t find a Chloe + PoisonedSquid scumteam too likely. From how I recall playing with Chloe from ToL, it seems more likely to me that Chloe would ping Poisoned about this rather than immediately coming to his defense. She knows that Poisoned is a veteran that can defend themselves.

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I was confused on why Vul was suddenly talking about himself as if he got bled, so I wanted to ask him so he can confirm what happened to him

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And what is your opinion on Chloe?

When I was around, she didn’t make a whole lot of memorable posts, but the way she’s] defending me did make me raise an eyebrow. It almost feels like whiteknighting

Honestly just trying to play devil’s advocate. People are bound to distrust the one person who doesn’t hop on the train and agree with a take. Unfortunate that I am the only person to see what you said as a genuine question rather than a slip, which is very very unlikely

I’m going to sleep now. Have fun with your discussion

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Geez louise. People are finding excuses to call something a scumslip.
At least you don’t have a one-tracked mind

I think most of us believed there was a good chance that it was a genuine question.

Well isn’t that how FMers operate?

Only the desperate ones