[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Also if that’s the case, Derps would be bussing me.

However I DO appreciate the detailed scumread on me. You hear that, guys? I should be the D2 lynch!

Derps is the last person I’d listen to on a read of me if I were not myself. I feel like he pulls reads out of a hat. :clown_face:

Scumread me for my Derps shade, ppl!

Not a single person would bus day 1 when there is no lynch.

I don’t know what to make of your tone.

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Your tone feels condescending. It looks friendly, but isn’t. Last time I wolfread someone for being condescending, I was correct.


Might need other people’s input on this read. Assuming anybody cares about my reads. I’m pretty sure at least 2 people have called it “hot garbage” or something related already.

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Also, I feel like Ami is off this game, as much as I love her.

I have a creed that a few people might be able to pick up and read me here, but again…the Scumreads are genuinely appreciated.

For the record, I like your reads. The one on JGoes stuck with me and if you didn’t out Merc I’d think you’re town.

I agree tbh

I remember nothing from ami

Although I didn’t in FoL25 d1 and she was villa

Well, thanks for that. I’m not sure what your alignment is, though. I can already tell reading you is going to be a nightmare for me.

Magnus randomly claiming Prince means he’s probably Prince.

Alexej would be a great check tonight because he has done absolutely nothing that would help infer his alignment.

Chloe/Jgoes/and especially Squid are the pile which screams “we contain a wolf.” Hesitant to post. Doesn’t apply to Squid, but Squid had wolfy pop ins I pointed out earlier.

Wazza is V. I’m very confident he’s V, but I can’t say why. Maybe someone else picked up on it, and why I can’t risk bringing it up.

Napoleon… I honestly don’t know what to make of his posts. His response to my ping felt like wolf king signaling, but I have no clue why he’d signal to me after I claimed neutral. >rand W…?

Universal… not sure if I agree with Arete’s read, but I think he’s slightly above rand villager. I don’t know, maybe I’m just pocketed by him as I claimed earlier. My gut just says he’s >rand V.

Ami is off and I don’t know what to think of her.

Sulit, darth, Amelia, Arete slight V. I went full circle on Arete, but I think their re-evaluation was really V indicative. Sulit screams V to me by postcount. Darth has also posted a fair bit. I feel like a newbie wolf would feel too scared to post this much. Same argument for Amelia >rand V.

Marshal I have given up on trying to read accurately day 1. Will solve later if I’m still alive. Although I have to wonder why he wants me dead so badly. It feels really performative. He dunked on me the hardest by far, and I wonder if it means he could be a wolf or NK who wants the Merc gone because I claimed my targets were likely BD. It just feels odd. Nobody else went after me so hard. Even after I claimed, he made it a point I should die. There’s another option… but I’ll keep quiet about that for now.

Possessed I’m flip-flopping on too much to accurately read for now. I think Derps is V though because I feel like he’s in his V meta (at least, the way I remember it.).

I have a soulread on Emilia and I think she’s V this game.

So if I were to make a readlist right now, it’d look like this.

Always V:


>rand V:


Unsure/null zone:


>rand W?


Likely W:


No particular order in each tier. Might flip day 2 if the threadstate changes, if I’m alive.

Darth isn’t new btw

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I’m fully aware I have more wolves than the setup allows, but y’know.

Also, given the accuracy of my past day 1 reads, I’m pretty sure I put some wolves in the >rand V section but I can’t figure out now who they are. Might be good to look there later. (note to self)

I disagree with your scumread on Napoleon tbh can you quote where you thought he was signaling

Why did ya have to out as merc? You know everybody hates noots

Arete pointed it out as a potential signal already, which only solidifies my V read on Arete.

I don’t know? I’m garbage at playing any alignment/class but V and even then I’m not great.

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That’s honestly a weak read by Arete. I think Napoleon has exhibited more GK energy than most GKs I’ve seen on here.

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You think so? Can you explain?

It’s not a deep read. What else is Napoleon supposed to say there? He’s not gonna say EK if he is, and he’s right…it’s like asking a liar if he’s lying. Rather than ask, it’s better to get Napoleon to prove it and so far analysis indicates GK.

This D1 has had some SHALLOW reads, but the best ones I’ve seen have come from the outted merc :man_shrugging: