[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

That’s just great

I’m not outing just bc he didn’t give you that information

Next game of FoL I am legit never revealing my class. If theres a push towards it and I get lynched due to it then fine. I warned yall

Also was SDL seriously claiming that Vul is S/I?

Yeah, that’s kinda legit. Like…I hate your move but I get it.

Quote and explain. Which one’s the wolf to you?

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It’s SDA, so it’s probably fake.

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arete can be town

uni can too

Your outting is fine. At best, we confirmed Cult game.

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Universal Emilia, Ami 2/10
Darth_Tabor Vulgard, Marshal, Napoleon 3/10
Currently Abstaining Universal, Chloe, Jgoesgaming, Wazza, PoisonedSquid, sulit, Amelia, Magnus, Darth_Tabor, AlexejheroYTB, SirDerpsAlot, Arete, Possessed 13
i am the vcbot now


ajd u suck at it

You guys are meanies, I’m leaving to MU after this game.


Take me with you

even with the fix

14 is still wrong

You’re both uninvited to my birthday party

dont leave me like my ex :sob:

No, that’s wrong!

Am I invited? :smiley:

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One of my targets might be a wolf. :cry:

Wait are you really going to leave again?