[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Start voting.

What is this.


Aaaa I just said why I’m not. I’ve voted before. I’m just waiting for a defense before I get us to 7+ on wazz

I want to say Chloe not even thinking to self-pres is weird and might indicate w/w wagons but that’s a dumb read because I think there were other counterwagons before and she didn’t self-pres onto them either.

Also I kinda buy her explanation just now.

I have no idea what Wazza is doing. Could be a coasting wolf.

I didn’t even see when Magnus voted there?

I kind of agree that Derps could be town here off the slip, but he’s been gone so I want to make sure he isn’t yanking our chains.

To be fair Magnus is the only person here who’s allowed to fuck around with his votes, but that’s still a bad vote.

PKR (the NK) is the only non-town on this village wagon

There are two non-town on this wagon (Htm and Astand, both Cult) but the first five votes are all villagers

the first four votes were all town, 5 was Warlock, 6 is actually scum, the last two are town

I’m too tired to look up more examples

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Its not that bad Tbh. Derps does his usual meta thing and this is everybody:

" Derrrrrr Townlock no chance Derps is scum"

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I’ll probably switch over to Wazza towards EoD unless they start posting more.

I honestly think it’s a bad excuse to vote on a wagon with no chance of gaining traction. You haven’t even been trying to make it gain traction, which is weird to me.

@ Arete I c.

No, you fucking don’t. Universal(the townlock paladin, who is bleeding) does. And after what you pulled, even if he wasn’t you still should bleed the fuck out

Because I don’t actually believe it, I’m just not gonna hammer Chloe/Wazza today without discussion :stuck_out_tongue:

Universal can get healed the next night, since he was bled today.

Can you calm down? You’ve been after me this entire game. Stop discrediting everything I say because you bled me and want to satisfy your ego by having me die to the bleed.

Was referring to Jgoes’ vote.

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Why are you voting for a read you don’t actually believe in :thinking:

I’m going to sleep For Real This Time

As much as I believe Vul has been townsided here and id love to have an Observer, the slot needs resolution after the bogus Merc claim. It also solves multiple slots on death and healing Vul could mean a heal on a fakeclaim who desperately needed to be healed.


I’ve said that to myself 10 times in the past hour. I wish you luck, fren

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Possessed actually has a decent point here, eh.

Marshal’s insistence of having me die is weird but I think it’s V because V Marshal is more stubborn in my eyes?

Memes :stuck_out_tongue:

Also I don’t know where to go with it right now so putting it on Derps is safe. I can always move it, like now.


Technically it was supposed to be on me but Katze isn’t letting me self-vote…meanie…

Possessed is weird to me this game because he’s been very reasonable and yet I don’t get V pings.

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Good, at least you learned your lesson: These fucks are 100% neuts out.