[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Vote Count

Votee Voted by Votes
Chloe Emilia, sulit, Wazza, darth_tabor 4/10
Wazza Ami, Chloe, AlexejheroYTB 3/10
darth_tabor Arete, Napoleon, EVO, Amelia, Marshal, Possessed, Jgoesgaming, Universal, PoisonedSquid, Vulgard 10/10
Currently Abstaining Magnus 1

Darth_Tabor has been lynched by majority and his class is The Knight!

This player have no last will.

Starting Night 2 and lasts until 2020-02-26T15:00:00Z2020-02-27T15:00:00Z

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End of night will very likely be delayed due to hosts’ availability.

Will be no later than 2020-02-27T17:00:00Z


Update the op with deaths. Thanks.

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Still missing a few night actions.

Actions are locked and will now be processed.


Good morning everybody!

Night two has ended, with two bodies discovered!

Vulgard was…

The Cult Leader :crossed_swords: :shield:

Cult Special
Rupture (Day) - Cause a player to bleed. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. - 1 use :crown:
Blood of Mithras (Day) - Sacrifice yourself bypassing all protection this night and flip as class of your choice. Other Cult members gain 1 use of all their limited use abilities. This occurs before promotion. This ability only works if you do not die due to any other means. - 1 use
Brainwash (Night) - Change target player into the Cult version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Eradicate (Night) - Unleash ancient power within Mithras, attacking 2 target players at once. This ability will be seen visiting the first target only. - 2 uses :crown:
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

They had no logs.

PoisonedSquid was…

The Invoker :crossed_swords:

Cult Offensive
Fanatic (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Bewilder (Day) - Target player is occupied for this day. - 1 Use
Chains of Corax (Night) - Redirect a player into a chosen player. If you choose to make them target themselves, occupy them instead. - 3 uses
Teleport (Night) - Target 2 other players. Redirect all players targeting either of your targets to the other. You will be seen visiting your first target only. This cannot target the same player twice in a row. - 1 use
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any Neutrals that oppose you.

They also had no logs.

Day 3 begins and will end in 48 hours 2020-02-29T16:50:00Z or earlier if majority is reached for execution.

With 15 players alive, majority is 8.

You may now post.


Obligatory I told you so on squid


That’s good. Cult can’t change flips of BD , right?

Marshals not scum unless he was converted

I wonder how squid died tho

my phones breaking let me click buttons please

Anyone claim the Squiddo kill?


I claim

NK I’d assume.

Oh damn

Not anymore, a couple NKs could so if anyone has a check on Squid they should out it

Oh my gosh let me type one seocnd

I was suspicious of Squid