[FoL] Forum of Lies 26 - Day 5 [The Blue Dragon are Victorious!] (12/18)

Probably because only alch converts to it

It’s disgusting.

Derps/EVO should also be clear since they investigated Vulgard (baffling but whatever) because there’s no chance both Wazza and Derps were scum. I believe cult flip tailors were removed, right?

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Nope. Vulgard outted you as his scumpal.

i simply ice warded who i empowered

Only Cult Flip Tailor is for CL themself.

can i get your dealers number as i need whatever your smoking

CL can still tailor their own flip, and I think there’s still lynch flip tailors?

not helpful dude. I need to know.

no, there is no lynch flip tailors.

I want to bring this up because I’m not so sure how W!Vulgard operates when it comes to reads list. Do they generally follow the rule of 3?

Looks like I was right about the Poisoned - Chloe interaction initially. Though PoisonedSquid is a scumread.

Keep in mind that at this time, Vulgard is claiming Merc. Reads of a neutral are generally not held with the same weight.

This is some distancing from Ami (except it seems as if he is trying to make Ami look townier in preparation for his flip)

And now he switches from his Mercenary claim. I think he is trying to subtly openwolf here. Let’s assume that Ami is Vul’s scumpal. Two things can happen here and one scum will die regardless of what happens, while the other one gains towncred.

The more likely is that Vulgard is called out for his bluff and left out to bleed/lynched in the Vulgard-Ami thunderdome. I believe this is what Vulgard was intending to do, by claiming that Ami visited a jailed target. When Vulgard dies, Ami looks like as if she’s not Cult, as she was put in a thunderdome with the Cult Leader.

The less likely option is that Vulgard is trusted here and Ami is lynched. I don’t think this was his plan, but this isn’t too bad. Vulgard gets a heal then!

Ami was on the Chloe wagon too, with PoisonedSquid.

He scumreads PoisonedSquid who is another wolf, which is part of his distancing. He then nullreads Ami as well, I think this read was made to further incriminate himself to the advantage of Ami.

Also anyways this read on Derps clearly shows that Derps isn’t converted. Go figure.

@Arete You suggested that this was a scumslip, right? But I seriously doubt that a player like Vulgard would actually slip like this.

What if… this was an intentional “scumslip”? It’s purpose? Vulgard doesn’t know who I SF’ed, and the fact of the matter is, if I didn’t SF you, it still suggests that he might have tried converting you. That makes Ami look better, doesn’t it? He claimed to have barriered you.

did y’all not realise that there was no N1 convert?

the noblest of them all received my empower and figuring as it couldn’t be interfered with i ice warded a villain to ensure they bled out


Everyone was pretty sure Vulgard was wolf. But everything he did just serves to give Ami towncred.

Just got out of class, we’re not lynching sulit until at least 24 hours in, they’re probably scum but might be Warlock based purely on the claim

I occ’d Emilia

Wait how? Vulgard was occed?

I visited Squid, I will-o-wisp’d him.

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what is occam’s razor?