[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

also healing is in no way a townlock

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italy doesn’t make reads
evofm and poisonous fm have critically wounded my self esteem because they’re the only times i actually bothered to try and socially determine a player’s alignment
and i failed very horribly

Ill rank the scenarios from most likely to least:

Fake bleed from EK > Real Bleed on GK > Real bleed on EK

I have been supporting you, but I must admit, town should be looking at probabilities, not possibilities

Or just don’t townlock a player for healing Luxy.


ok bich i suck at FM too but you gotta re inflate your ego by trying at least

if you are wrong, blame someone else for your mistakes. It’s what i do

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In that case we have to dust ourselves off and move onto the next game.

Not bled anyone, I’ve been playing EU4 for the past few hours.


Exactly my point buddy. Healing a bleeding King only gives alibi.

i love the self awareness tho <3

and if you are right, you and only you are responsible for the win.

EZ ego inflation

i’m really bad at eu4
i prefer hoi4 honestly

If I’m wrong I just blame other people for being bad, ez profit

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Did you bleed me?

I mean saying your team is really stupid is a good way to learn from your mistakes no?

cuz rn italy seeing just like very 10 posts you go “Ohwho im so bad at FM poor me” does nothing for the game.

Why not try

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What part of “Not Bled Anyone” don’t you get.

I’ve not been here to be able to bleed anyone.

Its natural to lock someone who heals a bleed as town; the goal is to narrow PoE.