[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

im not drunk or on anything

well yeah obv he went to 0 -> 100 real quick i’m just joking aroind

thought so lmao

lolcatting for post 333 fight me

Jk the site won’t let me upload it and I’m too lazy to upload to imgur first

Some people are what we call lightweights.

i gotchu one sec, just pretend its yours

upload to discord and copy link

thats what i do for some of my posts

I have a discord just for that purpose

I don’t know why people shit on lightweights because you get more drunk for less

how is this a bad thing

why wouldsd ib be druink

here I finally hit something juicy
I think the defense of braixen is pretty wolfy, but can’t quite nail down why
effort reads are a thing, but the aggression of the read + the lack of anything else supporting it makes me think it’s a read that comes from scum

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I can drink more than you you suck

youee a fucking werewolf

because you like alcohol?

ok why are you typing like this then

holy shit i read that wrong
i was about to slap for not being pg-13



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Ok but I’m dying man

for kat

Lightweight is a term for someone who has low alcohol tolerance. That’s isn’t s***ing oh people. It’s a description.

giuv jkjn marsjg;l. im too cpoll 4 uuiu