[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be trying to do?

if i dont read every single wolf on D1 am i even playing FM?

With 24 hours for D1, there is more opportunity to solve who is town/village and wolf/mafia based on social behavior on D1.

D2 will have 48 hours so even more time to socially deduce people.

hard disagree with this analysis
it’s just busywork that’s too easy for wolves to fake, braixen isn’t doing anything to actually solve the game off of this, if they have followup posts where they are actually looking at these associations to world build, then yeah braixen is very likely to just be an odd townie
otherwise it doesn’t say anything about braixen’s alignment, but it makes me question yours

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i don’t really have a solid read on nappy but i agree with him wholeheartedly here

re: ami

the last post in the opening string is the most relevant here.
you see, in virtuous, ami did this exact thing. she was “gamesolving” on the side all game, and the last post in this string here seems like a part of that strategy. she reached a conclusion on both me and alice with no progression and it feels like setup for a “gamesolving” strategy. maybe i read into it too much but i decided to pressure her a little and she completely dipped for a time, which didn’t help me come around to a V read.
a fair point is that she’s been meming ever since, which could be V ai, but i don’t really buy that because, well, it’s just a bunch of memes

for d1 i find this sufficient to contribute to a v read
might come around d2 ig
the lack of lynch today is problematic for reads

Yes we don’t have D1 execution for information unlike Poisonous Mafia.

i don’t like my reads

what don’t you like about them

i don’t think i have good reasoning for most of them
the one read i’m hyper confident about is alice v and that’s because i’ve historically been good at reading her imo

but i don’t even have good, concrete reasons for it. it’s just “she v boi”

a confident read on alice is a good start

i feel like i’m gonna start having more confident and reliable reads when the game is at like d3

i’m way better lategame

yeah i feel that way too but im still trying to get a grasp on how to read players earlygame

I’ve read Alice as Town/Village. Make what you will of it.

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Then again I would think that should be true of everyone once there is more information to make use of.

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oh yeah i forgot to mention something

i think this is a villagery read
reason: this has a healthy amount of suspicion and paranoia, plus the angle he took with that read is creative enough to the point where i’m not sure if wolf!napoleon makes this read
yay or nay

im not entirely sure how much i agree with this specific reasoning but i do agree with the endresult that nappy is probably town