[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

i think i need to re-eval already because i don’t like any of my reads sans my spiritual read on alice

this is fair

although the damning evidence on you was like

not really well pushed? the whole “princess flirt + noble gossip” shoulda fucked you instantly but both were revealed in ehh ways

well, its okay

if i claim my read on you is spiritual that means it must be correct and you’re a villager so shhh

i need to reeval
how does one wolfhunt

you usually do a pretty good job at it

surely this isn’t a question for me :eyes:

Read votes, whoops this is D1. Check for inconsistencies in their logs with other players.

but its D1 theres no logs to really have

re-eval time.

Squid doesn’t seem scared or self-aware whatsoever. She entered the thread in a way that seems natural, and began to interact with everyone in there without hesitation. Her hesitance to formulate reads on people is something that I saw from her when she was a villager. The way she is interacting with people makes me believe she’s trying to inform her reads – her questions make sense to me.

You could wolfread her for being lukewarm, and that’s the mistake I made before. It’s not a wolftell for Squid, and I’m saying that as someone who played a hydra game with her when we were town. In fact, if she were confident early, I would have alarm bells ringing in my head. But she isn’t.

Also, I’m quite sure she’s trying to solve the game and sort people out in her own way. It’s just not visible, because she’s interacting with people without formulating many reads, but I think the motivation is there. She’s asking questions that make sense, and she actually has reached a few conclusions. There are two townreads in her ISO, after all.

You could theoretically say that Squid is a wolf attempting to blend in, but her posts don’t seem forced to me. I don’t see much fear or hesitation to talk to people, either, so… unless her motivation begins to trend downward, I’m inclined to think of Squid as a villager.

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This read is going to be far less in-depth than my Squid read, but Alice mentioned that Seth/DryBones was remarkably easy to read. Allegedly, when DryBones is villaging, he gets far more invested and is a much louder voice within the thread (I’m paraphrasing here). While as wolf, he is much more opportunistic and less bold throughout.

The fact he is a low poster right now, and that he decided not to do much after his acceptable opening, are both quite suspicious things. Alice vocalized a wolflean on him and elaborated why the wolflean exists by referring to DryBones’ meta… which DryBones has been playing straight into for whatever reason. If he were a villager, he probably shouldn’t be doing this – and according to Alice’s analysis, he wouldn’t even struggle not to fall into his wolf meta as a villager. The idea of falling into one’s wolf meta as a villager is strange to me to begin with.

But back on topic.

This is a string of DryBones’ posts after being wolfread by Alice. The problem here is the progression. DryBones’ initial response is to post a readlist, which is an attempt to do something – or look like he’s doing something. After that, he addresses his inactivity in a slightly jokey manner without attempting to justify it, which feels like a cop-out. If DryBones is a villager, he’s being accused of playing like his wolf meta indicates! He should be annoyed that this is the case, he should do something about it! But… he doesn’t get annoyed. His response is essentially “ok, fine,” and I’m not a fan of DryBones’ emotionless reaction there.

Next, he promises to post more content when he “catches up in the morning.” We have yet to see if he is going to deliver on that. But the important part is the next post, where he directly addresses Alice’s meta read on him. It is written in a rather hedgy and uncertain way.

“Tbh from what Alice knows of me I don’t doubt they put me in their scum Reads as I’ve been slacking this game.”

He addresses his inactivity without justifying it, yet again. A repeat of what he previously said. This is acceptable as an opening statement.

“It’s not that I slack as scum, I could do that as either alignment. But from the scum games they’ve played with me in, Ive lacked beneficial content. However that was a year ago.”

He claims that Alice’s meta read on him is outdated, because he could slack as either alignment… and he says that he has historically lacked beneficial content as a wolf. I’m not sure what point he is making here. Is the meta read outdated because slacking is NAI for him now, or is it outdated because lacking beneficial content is NAI for him now? Is it both? Regardless of what is the case here, he is acknowledging Alice’s read as valid… without strongly refuting it. Or he is not acknowledging Alice’s read as valid…? Maybe I’m having trouble understanding these statements, but the impression I get is that he is not strongly defending himself at all, like he is hesitant to be bold in his defense. Which I find quite strange, given Alice’s description of DryBones’ play as a villager.

“Regardless I can provide content but there’s probably a scum Tell for me that has something to do with how I go about stuff or how I do Reactions or something, IDK not that great in reading myself LOL.”

He claims that he can provide content, but that there is a scum tell for him which appears when he provides content, but at the same time, he is not good at reading himself. So… what is supposed to be the takeaway from this? Is he admitting to not providing content because he has a scumtell that appears when he does so? If he were a villager, he would not need to worry about scumtells in his content, would he? Logically, they should not appear if he is a villager. Why is he worried about them appearing? That’s the impression I get from the post.

“I can provide content, but there’s probably a scumtell for me that has something to do with how I go about stuff or how I do reactions or something.”

Again. Why is DryBones worried about his scumtells if he is a villager? If this is supposed to be a justification for his low postcount and uncertainty, then it’s a terrible one that showcases a wolfy point of view. And at the end, he adds a statement “IDK not that great in reading myself LOL.” That is a textbook wolfy statement to add at the end of a post like this. “I wrote all that, but take it with a grain of salt, I’m not very good at X.” And the “LOL” just seals it. DryBones knew that their post was already wolfy, but still felt the need to send it, and decided to make it look less wolfy by making people not take it as seriously as they should. Or trying to achieve that.

In general, I think DryBones’ responses to Alice’s read and pressure on him have been really bad and paint him in a strongly negative light. He is following his wolf meta as Alice described to a T, and I think I’m comfortable with this read. We should probably kill DryBones unless he starts to clear himself. That said, he was already given a chance to do so and he failed horrendously, while hitting all of the wolftells he possibly could in a short span of time. I don’t think he would manage to do that as a villager, especially since his posts after being pressured also showcase self-awareness. He knew what he was doing. And yet, he still posted poorly.

I think I lied right there.

Don’t mind the toneshift, I’m just setting off my Observer claim. I used Little Bird on Emilia, who isn’t in this game.

@Alice Let’s die N1 with “DryBones is a wolf” as our legacy. Well, your legacy, but I will write my name on the read as well. History is shaped by the victors.

We are in day 1 and the game is already about as long as Vanilla Nightless.

According to the number of posts, anyway.

That’s good to know. It shows high player engagement.

6 hours left everyone. Lets not waste those hours.

Ok we weren’t asking for a day 1 grandslam but you delivered anyway

I’m happy to pull Vul out of the null zone now

Yeah, that read is way beyond my wolfrange, unfortunately for me. Sucks to be me, honestly.

One day, I will be capable of fabricating deep reads as a wolf. But that day is not today, especially since I failed to rand wolf – and as such, I am unable to practice.

Drybones is one of my town leaning reads. I asked him to give some reads and he did. So far so good.