[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

im not

Why are you scum - go

ok im a dummi and my plan won’t say much

but i can hardprove myself as not neutral.

Because I got unlucky

ok wtf i can’t even do that


i think i can prove myself as not NK

While being jailed?
You said that MM passive makes your claim less believeable. So you arent killer or unique. What could be self-resolving in that pool?


But bounty is a night action so I don’t see how being jailed helps your cause

or NK

exactly nothing

i can prove myself exactly 0.

dafuq i didn’t realize this i thought i had a 999999 iq play

marshal did you get hunter again

He did not. He said MM passive makes him less believable


Unless that was fake

shld i just fullclaim

probably not

if you fullclaim i’d look dumber if i were to kill you

>be me
>go into meeting
>oh there wont be that many posts already

/vote Ami

Since the thread has recently felt mostly villagery, I have deduced that you do not share any allegiance to the Blue Dragon

If he was being truthful with that statement he is in the pool of:
Alch, Butler, Chrono, CW, Drunk, Maid, Noble, Obs, Pally, Phys, Princess, Sheriff, Tavernkeeper

The ones that have day abilities (meaning: the classes that MM would pick, most likely - as only having a night abil is dumb) are:
Alch, Butler (unlikely - commits sudoku when killing BD king), Chrono (no need for PD since Death Immune), CW (hella likely claim), Maid (what fuckin MM would pick Maid), Noble (i guess maybe?), Obs (eh - MM has Obs ability already p much), Phys (could definitely see it), Sheriff (useless pick - unless they only selected it for towncred, and not the abils), Tavernkeeper (OP, same with CW)

This leads me to believe that Marshal is softing Alch, CW, Noble, Phys, or Tavernkeeper

Upon application of my new and improved Scumreader machine, I have analyzed your posts and determined a 78% probability that you are not BD