[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

If nothing happens in the next 48 hours ill hard claim

Ping me if you vote me -_-

If Wazza bleeds someone today we should at least figure out some good HM opportunities, based off who is jailed

They would if it looks wolf, and they should.

ok flip a coin. bleed me or don’t. I’d much prefer to be bled.

u should bleed me or just don’t bleed at all

i love dice, let me do it

Once again, I’M NOT A DUMBASS.

1 bleed, 2 no bleed?

what r ur scum ranking rn

@discobot roll 1d2

I ain’t fucking bleeding Marshal, fuck off

:game_die: 1


i made one a while back

I told you can you fuck off seriously you’re just starting to piss me off.


why should you not

Marshal doesnt get bled here.

I’ll divulge my idea to court later if the situation arises but you hold the bleed.

Frankly I’d like Wazza to use bleed on a player in the PoE sooner or later.