[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

i have duplicated

as you can see
i clearly belong in the kitchen

hit me with that question mark explanation

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Shut the fuck up

dont patronise me

You are the one refusing to acknowledge that he is actually towny
He hasnā€™t shown an inch of opportunism and is calm in thread whilst weighing up his, albiet mechanical, options.

Just because he isnā€™t a godly player like arete doesnā€™t mean he canā€™t be townread for his actions here

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i base my PoE off what gives most info out of scum and null leans

Can we stop just yelling at each other

Iā€™m too important to claim



Possessed was quoting Luxy from yesterday iirc

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It was grade A copypasta

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brb, gotta drive somewhere close by real quick

i actually donā€™t care about anything but wazz bleeding someone, preferably me

Iā€™m not talking just about that half of today has been people yelling at each other or trying to mech solve

I am locktown!

@ Alice I read your post about the V core / PoE btw and I like it; I just feel an overwhelming urge to meme right now, which means I should probably go to sleep.

If youā€™re a Mystic or a Priest, then it may be the only way youā€™re not getting executed here.

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Well now that I outted my plan, we cant do it so w/e

Bleed me or Marshal

there are only 2 votes on me fuckoff

Well if youā€™re town, we need your claim so we have information to go on.