[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

What changed you said he was in his wolf meta yesterday?

im referring to iceward on me

ok yah sure why not

also how does it feel that nappy did a dummibounty on you

marshal knows

You were bled?

His wolf meta is to not directly interact with others and just try to go UTR. Thereā€™s no way heā€™d have had that interaction with Chloe were he a wolf.

well yes

i did ask to be


basically me


What interaction

Now fuck off with the mindflayer/inq bullshit

See there when he tried to pressure Chloe to our her class. He doesnā€™t do stuff like this as a wolf.

oh no ur gscum

Waste the fucking day on me then, be my guest

also he almost definitely did occ chloe which means heā€™sā€¦ invoker? at worst

I can confirm with Hunter Mark tonight so unvote me

no u cant :joy:

I was deducing Marshalā€™s soft, not what class the Mastermind picked - if any. He said his class would be less confirmable if it were Unseen game and Mastermind picked his role, so I was figuring out what that meant Marshal could possibly be.

I was not the only person to say that CRich was likely to have been the bleeder. In fact, Luxy himself said it. I said it would be possible for this to be the case as CRich is newer to FoL and does not know that bleeding King day 1 is a bad play.

im not a dummy tho (also you have ToL experience - would you have done this?)

I agree

Observer on Targetx, Healer on Targetx, Targetx Targets targety

I hm Targetx and targety

Targetx claims attacked, should only have 1 person visit targetx