[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

hi N.1

i see you
i miss you

Scum Probabaly

I didnā€™t HM last night.

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Nah itā€™s fine.

I havenā€™t seen Ami provide any reads yet. She has to be either town who is unsure how to make reads with the information so far, or sheā€™s wolf not willing to commit to reads. Iā€™m still reading her as null.

I donā€™t know why but I canā€™t get over the ā€œfearā€ of electing an evil king tomorrow. Who are our potentials? Alice and Vul?

Also i want to make it clear that when i say evil king i am referring to both Unseen and Cult.

not used to fol terms

Arenā€™t you forgetting that we could have a Psychopathic King who is elected.

after this ror2 run iā€™ll try to ISO, but im starting to run low on energy. we have lots of time tho - in fact we dont need an exact election candidate until d3 starts and we see if king is dead, though i would like to have one

yeah but i dont see vul or alice being nk

If anything Iā€™d think based on Luxy I mean Gypsyā€™s bleed D1 that it could be the Demon trying to become King so he is able to kill with impunity without the threat of Prince jail execution.

usually i have stances that are usually well known or easily discernable

readlists are nai and i dont dothem

how bad of an idea is italy king

pretty bad omegalul

Well very bad seeing that Italy is outed Prince.

ok hear me out

is it tho

les be real here. not sure how he even survived last night. the idea that heā€™ll last until d4 is kinda bonkerz ngl

for two reasons:
A. Italy. King? Do you know him? Hes a slanker even as Prince lmfao
B. Prince is vital to our win - its a night occupier, healer, and killer all in one

he has topposted quite a few games