[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


Thanks. So, whatā€™s the status on our King? Were they meant to have bled out today or at the end of the day?

Did anyone ever bother to do NKA on Katze yet?


idrc cuz he was a neut flip and thereā€™s prolly some fuckery

but you can feel free to do that if u want

Iā€™m terrible at NKA so i didnā€™t attempt, especially as he flipped neut andā€¦ i dont think he scumread anyone too hard?

Technically, I was right on katze :smirk: we take those

Katze had to be townread by scum. You donā€™t kill a scumread.

I said that i wasnā€™t townreading him and wasnā€™t scumreading him and that he was a very weird slot.

and i was basically entirely correct on those vibes


I canā€™t compete with that :sweat_smile:

Or! Katze was right about someone

Start of D2 Katze the scorned died. I guess her nine lives werenā€™t enough to save her.

Who did Katze scumread?

Is there some form of threadmark on this forum by any chance?

Iā€™m eating dinner rn, uhhh, search up ā€œkatā€ in this topic and find what i said today - i posted all the info i had on kat including their reads

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You can search people by posts in this game. Look up katze.

Already said I was busy

Thatā€™s so you can read player posts in isolation.

It would be rude of me not to greet you @folaccount. Hello folaccount.
