[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I get what you’re saying, and im not picking a side man, but you dont get confirmed per say

it would be confirmed in any kind of normal setup :stuck_out_tongue:
I get that a lot of nonsense can happen here, but still, I imagine we would treat it as a softclear for a little while

Oh it is?

Honestly Warlock existing kinda does make sense though…I didn’t consider that option

oh, no I mean we dont get results on whether or not we successfully healed someone, etc

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Although WL has no clue what type of game it is so Carnage should always be used D2

but the lack of nightkill would be pretty evident of that in a typical setup
here not as much, but it would point to that being the case

roleblocking and jailing and other heals, too many variables to confirm

Like, if the wolves had a strongman that they knew they’d probably have used it on Italy. For them to use it on Katze basically hints that they probably had no idea that they could bypass night immunity that night, which points to a likely WL.

at least most of the time, if everyone outs their actions maybe

but also lying scum can confirm each other and shit

just doesnt work most the time to confirm

yep, wifom game, got it
lynch baddies, trust gut


Again, WL doesn’t know if its unseen or cult game. Cult game wouldn’t have n1 kill…so WL should always carnage N2

there are some mech confirms but they take more effort to pull off/are riskier

like using a day ability to bleed someone. you then confirm only to the bled target that you can bleed them (assuming they werent conveniently bled by someone else ig)

also assuming you told them

It still doesn’t explain why Katze’s night immunity was bypassed. Unless we have a CW-MM or if the we have a Reaper or Demon who yolo’d empower, then yeah. But if this were the case I’d expect them to target the Prince or some shit like it.

I did that N1 as demon

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Or Possessor. I think one way or another Katze was killed by NK, but that’s fine because…I’m a Phys! And I have Exhume!