[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win


Evo is actively refusing to state to state his actions and is actively refusing to answer questions

Is that a villager mindset?

oh god this thing im doing is gonna be a pain.


but i want to do it to prove smthn cuz pplz don’t seem to agreeith with me.

Not his.
Look at his Vanilla Nightless Ice Cream Flavour Game.
He’s playing different here.

I’m roleblocking Richard for Confirmability on Both Sides.
Still want EVO dead.

Chloe is acting way differently when we started accusing EVO

Group Scum?

If he’s still alive Tomorrow without a Hard Claim Via Public or Prince.
We make him new king and I use my ability on him to kill him.

Or at least a Targets claim

Hypocritical don’t you think? Lmfao

o shit that’s kinda a gamer moment

ok i gotta do my thing be back soon

But I’m not, is the thing. I still do not trust you - and that has not changed.

Ok but don’t you agree there is wolf within Brax/EVO

There is at least one - and I’m positive that Braix is. Do I need to pull up the evidence on him again?
Because I will

You don’t need to trust me

This happens to me every game if you want to look at my old games

You cool with a Braix lynch and if they flip town, Prince Jails and Executed EVO?

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Here is the evidence again in case people forgot

I’m cool with that