[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

would you be OK with bleeding dry?

ā€¦whatā€™s your case on EVO?


I could ask the same question of you?

ā€¦Dry is an obvious villager.

Can we at least have a Jail on EVO for a Claim.


FAKE claim*

itā€™s more important to get the near lock-clear on wazz.

i obv donā€™t think dry should be bled but thatā€™s my thoughts.

Make EVO say his target so he doesnā€™t get a good fake claim!

And what would his claim prove here?

can you stop telling me to bleed people itā€™s fuckin annoying.

If a LO or Tracker was on him it would prove if heā€™s lying or not.

Evo is not village

Donā€™t bled the guy whoā€™s the only one actually in the right state of mind towards who the scum is.

wazz. if you are villager here you are cleared by the simple act of bleeding. If i am lying about this, and do not give my reason post your bleed, you have a free wolf lynch

why do u so adamantly oppose this

you are i think the last person i want bled but i really want wazz to clear himself if he is vill

Other then Blaix.
Because if Blaix is Town we are both right on this.

Alright can we all agree on something; It is most likely a demon game

Reads In Basic Format


  • Italy
  • Vulgard
  • Napoleon


  • Alice
  • Chloe
  • folaccount
  • SDA (?)


  • Poss
  • Gypyx :crown:


  • Ami
  • PoisonedSquid
  • DryBones
  • CRich <-----NK Candidate, but likely not groupscum
  • Wazza


  • Braix
  • Marshal

This is the best I can express even a little bit of what I am thinking rn, but tbh if DryBones is town I really hope this is just FPS

Then force him to choose Napoleon because they are easily a ā€œdeepwolfā€ because people Town read them so hard for some reason.

I mean napoleon is mechanically confirmable as starting town and so i think he is

If marshal really was scum why would he go out of his way to fucking defend me