[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

With screencastify its literally 1 click to publish and get a link

This never comes from an EVO!Town PoV.

Are you going to disagree with me on this?

i use quicktime player

it takes the recording and i can upload straight to imgur and get a link immedaitely

that’s quicker

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i use obs

imma need to hit you up in DMs for more info on that



No kidding. Look what happened D1 for starters. It’s an interesting game for sure.

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wait is that for mac

its a mac thing

who needs the capability to do anything else when u have quicktime player



Mac exclusive I assume? ive had that on win 10 for a class but I uninstalled it

dont remember record capability

not sure

i think it is but it might just be autoinstalled on mac

I should go through Braixen’s game to check his reaction to being wagoned this game with other games. Braixen gets wagoned and is now putting these reads out. I still don’t know if he keeps his reads close to his chest unless being wagoned or if that is alignment indicative on his part.

Do you want me to highlight the games where I’m bd?

Yes please I’m looking for them.

I’m willing to change my mind on Braixen depending on if his reaction to being wagoned here is BD or scum indicative based on past games.

FoL 12, FoL 11, SFoL 10, SFoL 6, SFoL 8 (Paranoid), FoLT

Hold Up Ill Hyper link em

FoL 12, FoL 11, SFoL 10,SFoL 6, SFoL 8 (Paranoid), FoLT

@CRichard564 Here are hyper link em