[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Sorry Your brainwash on alice failed

still feels TMI-slippy

and ur defense of it is ew as well

I was jailed btw

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so what? you can still be gscum with someone.

And you being assa actually fits with the no night kill too

I guess everyone forgot?

Could be.

Im also a lot more careful with my word choices as scum.

ur acting like that clears you

forget everything i said, im sorry my sweet sweet vulgard, it’s poss/evo or sum shit

probably just that

If possessed was phys why would they open claim to me when they thought I was inq???

You’d have guessed me anyways. You seemed to have me close to figures out

As far as I can tell. Possessed is the only healer claim who has outed so far. Also his interaction with folaccount doesn’t make sense if Possessed were a wolf.

what is happening in this thread

No they caught me, I mistook Alice for claiming bearing last night. I don’t say stupid shit and hit reply as town, its only a TMI

oh also if demon is day occed they can still bleed

gamer moment

You are entering the twilight tzone

They found us EVO, the jig is up.

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see but it’s not like stupid shit level stupid shit. You claimed you knew something that you should not have known. That’s TMI


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damn fucking right


We are on a higher plane of existence

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