[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

IMO, yes and yes

It was mostly Poss/Ami/Dry/SDA that were the major changes right?

We will have 7/9 with me and CRich, we need uhhhh. Vul and uhh… who else can we get here

Squid has scum EV for being on bounty wagon and I don’t remember seeing any posts from them
feels like a wolf park to avoid SRs

CRich I know you’re around but I’m pinging you nonetheless.

@CRichard564 You are going to Eagle-Shot Wazza

@Wazza You are going to bear tonight

Copy that.

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how good is planning out night actions like this, really?
in typical semi-open setups it’s usually a bad call until the setup is fully known

Let’s talk about Squid.

i think his jump from high scumread to high townread on EVO from d1 to d2 is worth noting as well.

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forums dying for anyone else? super slow

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yeah same

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I haven’t seen squid talking much today. Makes me wonder why.


Could you explain your progression on EVO, Poss, Ami, Dry, and SDA for me? I know I’m asking a lot but I think it will help me out here. Could you also provide your thoughts on the current game?

ugh is there not a way to put colors in text


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What do you think about Squid?

Vulgard lives in Poland. Local time in Poland as of now is 9:09 am.

wolf leaning her reads wise, but i think she may have an important or confirmable class so i want her alive until D3 tbh

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Therefore Vulgard should be showing up in the next few hours.

Yeah that’s a mindmeld lmao, having the exact same thoughts. Does Squid usually have volume tells? She’s posting less here compared to other games where she was V