[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Some of them will be unprintable.

@CRichard564 Let’s dance, tonight.

Wazza you must be joking. Who in their right mind would think of dancing after that?

Please tell me you’re joking.

Being night killed would be a good thing for me. What a c*** fest it must be if being night killed is the best thing that can happen.

You will die tonight.
That is inevitable.

I however, shall not, unless someone decides it would be a good idea to occupy me.

I’ve already accepted the possibility of death.

No one is saying I’m scum after that meltdown on my part? I wonder why?

I mean.

I called you scum.

A lot of times.

That’s why I’m getting you to shoot me.

Not all emotions are wolf emotions. Not all AtE is wolf AtE.
A meltdown does not a wolf make.

faking emotions is bad and you should feel bad if you do it

@CRichard564 what did you do N1 btw?

So you think I’m faking it now? You probably Jeffrey Epstein suicided in jail when logic and evidence say the Clintons murdered him.


No I was on about what Vulgard said.

But what did you do N1?

No night action. I really want out of this game.

Wazza if you’re a real hunter, I don’t care if your bear kills me.

I want out of this game.

Excuse me.

You no actioned as an Archer?