[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Aight everyone shut the fuck up

Braixen has been executed for treason! He was…

The Hunter

Blue Dragon Killer
Wolf Companion (Day) - Summon a wolf companion to attack a player. They will bleed and die in two nights if not healed. You may not use your Wolf Companion after using your Bear Companion the previous night. - 1 use
Bear Companion (Night) - Summon a bear to protect you, granting you death and conversion immunity for the night. You will kill any attackers (Bypasses night immunity). You may not use your Bear Companion after using your Wolf Companion the previous day. - 2 uses
Hunter’s Mark (Night) - Target two other players. If the first visits the second, you will attack and occupy the first. You will only be seen visiting the first. - 2 Uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.


Brakuren The Hunter
n1: Nothing
Results: Slept Peacefully

GL Town! EVO and Vulgard are Open Wolfing and Wazza is Demon!! <3 Dry, SDA, Marshal, and Possessed thanks for being reasonable.
Policy Lynch Chloe before MyLO
Luxy - King
katze - X Scorned
Chloe - Healer
N.1 - Nothing
D2: Bleed Marshal
CRich - Social/Offensive
Marshal - TAvern
SirDerpsAlot - Scum
Italy - Prince
Vulgard - KOS
PoisonedSquid - Priest
Ami - Archer
MukuroIkusaba - Hunter
Possessed - Support
Wazza - Hunter
Napoleon - Noble
DryBones - Support
EVO - MM or policy lynch
Braixen - Hunter
King (65% Good, 35% Evil / Devout) - GK Grypx
Mastermind / Cult Leader
Assassin / Random Cult
Prince - Italy
Random Blue Dragon - Hunter, Alice
Random Blue Dragon - Hunter, Braix
Random Blue Dragon - Hunter, Wazza
Random Blue Dragon - Archer, Ami
Random Blue Dragon - Archer, SRichard
Random Blue Dragon - TK, Marshal
Random Blue Dragon - Noble, Napoleon
Random Blue Dragon - Drunk/Butler, Chloe
Random Blue Dragon - Butler, Drybones

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Night 2 will end at 2020-04-11T17:00:00Z. Please submit all night actions by 1 hour before the end of the night.

Flavor will come when I get off mobile


Still missing several night actions.

and also flavor

I promise that flavor will happen

Day 2 execution flavor

“How are we even supposed to record this?” whispered Amelia.

Jgoes shuffled around their papers slightly, turning them towards her. “You see, the extra execution can be denoted like so – be sure to note the name of the sponsor,” they said.

“What’s that?” asked Amelia, catching sight of a slightly older piece of paper underneath the rest of them.

“Oh, it’s nothing,” said Jgoes, in a careful, measured tone. “You don’t need to worry about it.”

Amelia glanced away. “Okay,” she said. “So it looks like they’re going to execute Braixen?”

Jgoes nodded. “Look, Wazza’s just finished his formal accusation.” They pointed to a young man standing in front of the throne room, absent-mindedly twirling something – Amelia couldn’t quite make out what – between his fingers.

“No!” said another one. “This is an injustice, and we shouldn’t even consider it. It was probably engineered by our enemies.”

He reached for the sword at his belt. Most of the court had started carrying weapons since the Queen’s murder, afraid to be caught unarmed, and he was no exception.

“Marshal, no–” said the King.

Amelia glanced at Jgoes, who glanced back at her, furrowing his brow. “I – don’t really know – what we’re supposed to do about this,” they said.

The King cleared his throat. “I call for a trial on Braixen,” he said. “Everyone, silence.”

Marshal released his grip on his sword, and the rest of the court fell silent for a moment, before returning to their conversations. Several members of the court began to cast their votes, until finally they had enough to condemn him.

“You’re going to regret this,” said Braixen, but it was too late. His fate had already been decided.


The sun rises over Adiart Castle and you discover three new bodies!

FoL 27 Flavor

As Amelia made her way to the throne room, still reciting her oaths in her head and questioning whether she could call herself a loyal subject when she refused to turn in her friend, she heard a commotion in a side corridor. She turned, to see several members of the court gathered around a set of bodies – three, this time.

“This is three times worse than yesterday,” she heard someone in the crowd say.

“Who cares about what happened yesterday?” asked another. “No one liked that old woman anyway. Ever since her husband died she’s done nothing but complain about how it’s all of our faults. These people are nice and don’t talk about their dead husband all the time.”

Amelia winced slightly. It could have been her body lying in the hallway had her friend been slightly less forgiving. Would they have said the same about her?

Jgoes put their hand on her shoulder. She jumped, slightly; she hadn’t heard him walking up behind her. The two of them carefully made their way towards the front of the crowd. There lay the King, his rarely-sober half-brother, and a guard, though one tasked with investigation more than protection. In blood on the stones of the castle was written, The Blue Dragon shall fall. Yield or perish .

“What do we do?” asked Amelia.

Jgoes swallowed. “There’s no one left who can handle the court proceedings but us,” they said. “But first – first we need to have an election.”

Amelia nodded. Yet as she followed Jgoes to the throne room, she couldn’t help but wonder whether she could have prevented their deaths.

Gypyx was…

The Good King :crossed_swords: :shield: :fire:

Blue Dragon Special
Pass the Torch (Passive) - If you die, a vote to determine the next king will be held at start of the next day.
Head of State (Passive) - Immune to occupation and redirection. Your abilities will not be seen by investigative abilities. You can use both day abilities in the same day.
Grand Trial (Day) - Instantly put a player on trial for treason lasting up to 24 hours possibly extending day. They may provide a defense within 12 hours, and then the players alive may either vote to execute or pardon. If a majority of players vote to execute, the day will end and the player on trial will be lynched. Otherwise, the day will continue as normal. - 1 use
Allies (Day) - Choose up to two players. During this night, you will have a private chat with them. - Infinite Uses
Guard! (Night) - Choose a player. They will be immune to death tonight. - 3 uses :crown:
Swear Fealty (Night) - Make a player permanently immune to conversion. - 1 use (Starting King Only.)
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

Gypyx logs

Gypyx - good king but not really good at the game

N1 - SF alice / allies = vulgard + alice
N2 - guard alice / allies = napoleon + alice

Townreads : (ordered by most to least towny)
Alice / Napoleon / snakeEater / Chloe

Scumreads : (ordered by most to least
Marshal / Drybones / EVO / Vulgard (but vulg doesn’t look like potential scumbuddy for

Folaccount was…

The Sheriff

Blue Dragon Investigative
Scout (Day) - Scout a player. You will know if the unseen visit that player at any point afterwards. The scout will stay on the player until you command them to watch someone else - Infinite uses
Expert Investigation (Night) - Learn if your target is a member of the Unseen. - Infinite uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

No logs were found.

SirDerpsAlot was…

The Drunk

Blue Dragon Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes to become king count as two for you.
I am the Liquor (Passive) - Immune to occupation and target changing.
Debauchery (Night) - Force a player to target a second of your choice. (you won’t be immune to attacks or conversion if you force them to target you). You will only be seen visiting the first. - Infinite use
Happy Hour (Night) - Occupy a player, and disable any death or occupy immunity they have for the night. - 2 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.

SirDerpsAlot logs

N2 Evo to vul

Day 3 begins and will end in 48 hours, at 2020-04-13T17:00:00Z, or earlier if a majority is reached for execution. With 12 players alive, majority is 7.

Since the King has died, the day will begin with an election. For the next twelve hours, you may vote in your classcards for who will become the next king.


I fucking

and evo didn’t die because…?

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come the fuck on y’all

I didn’t die because?

I wasn’t attacked because?



Marshal you’ll be glad to hear that I re-read every person’s ISO and I seem to agree with you on quite a bit. (and i spent fucking 3 hours reading just you, so thanks)

i saw you quoting for like 2 hours straight

Shoulda seen me last night. 5 hours. I took a break and did 2 hours this morning. Not kidding

I can not use wolf companion, Arete just told me, fuck.