[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

What notification do they get?

They shouldnā€™t get any notificaiton

Boom, proof.

Hi Alice. Are you Warlock?

Wait possessed can you explain this to me again

whats happening?
How do we prove something if we get no feedback

This should cut with all the conversion nonsense.

But yeah, Iā€™m re-evaling on Braixen and SDA both flipping BD as that was extremely unexpected.

Yeah what?

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So lets say I tell Alice to bleed my innoc target. If my target gets a notification, Iā€™m lying. No notificationā€¦Iā€™m either telling the truth or Alice is my scumpartner.

Lolmechanics to game solve.

Possessed claims that only Unseen killed katze. The only scenario where he could be lying is if heā€™s MM tbh and I think Poss is more likely to flip NK.

Your D1 Prince claim seems like something an NE would do and you are a Hunter claim who hasnā€™t wolfed yet.

No Inoculated players SHOULDNT get a notification

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wait but regular people get a notif? non-inocā€™d?

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I dont think non-inoculated people get a message or marshal would have

But uninnoculated players get a bleed notification, clearly. GK knew they were bled

Yes they would

Does this mean marshal wasnt bled?

How else did Luxy know?

We needa see where marshal outted that hes bled

Marshal knew. He said it

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Okay ty

I honestly couldnā€™t remember

Players who are not bleed immune or inoculated will be notified upon being bled
Players who are bleed immune or inoculated (EXCEPT for NK) will NOT be notified upon being bed attmepted