[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

yeah Chloe was literally pushed on before Alice outted

he showed up and left

and wazza aint dead

he popped on and was like “did someone want my action?”

and then didn’t give it


Explain his super fast hard Claim reaction though.

And an open Phys D1?

Guess scum knew I was legit?

He super fast claimed his role

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crich in classcard

“i’m claiming archer btw”

If EVO is MM, its entirely possible its 2 unseen. Its easy to miss a N1 conversion.

The only reason for Possessed to still be alive is because scum wants to throw doubt on the slot.
Which EVO can be clearly seen doing.

@SnakeEater32 as soon as you see this, please confirm that you did in fact target me n1 like Crich claimed

and your last night’s action


It makes no sense for Alice to openwolf if they only have two. No chance for parity, not a great position to be in, etc., etc.

I’m pretty sure CRichard was BD though socially, I agree with Vulgard’s points

No wolf would be that frustrated in seeing a townie lynched

Though Snake not outting his action is :eyes:

I still have all my self-cares :upside_down_face:

That’s WiFoM enough

Would they convert him N2? Assuming EVO isn’t MM here.

You might be right there, but all potential converts are the ones who pushed Alice to begin with. Is that a good play?

The only thing I really see the CRich slot being is a N2 convert tbh

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All potential converts, all pushed Alice.

It’s unlikely but possible:

  1. They would need to have failed the N1 conversion for whatever reason
  2. They weren’t the strongest town player

On the contrary, they were being townread especially for that reaction so I could see it.

Regardless, I don’t think I want to lynch them