[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

/vote Alice always lynch outed scum. This is FOL we dont leave things to prince in case he was redirected or day occupied

We already have the Prince to take care of that though. We donā€™t want to risk him losing his axes

We have a backup plan too

Thereā€™s no way Alice is getting a kill here

Didnā€™t EVO Claim they werenā€™t Jailed though?

never was jailed that is correct

Even though they clearly were

Did @Italy say I was?

Italy Jailed EVO

EVO never claimed

Well im phys

Yeah but the question is why TF you didnā€™t go to jail.

Did Italy jail someone else, was day occupied or redirected?

They said that they Jailed EVO and didnā€™t claim and now Italy wants to execute them and was debating to excute EVO last night but decided not to.

Cause I want to know what this Jailee said if he never claimed. As I have no mention of this chat in my cc, other than EVO asking wether he would be informed if he was jailed as if he was expecting it

@Italy come here boi. U need to explain to these people wth is going on as u clearly didnt jail me

I think Wazza still doesnā€™t look like BD, tbh. He completely dipped and Iā€™d like to know his takes surrounding the conundrum we have right now.

Hey vul ive got a question for you if you donā€™t mind

the fuck, are you ok?

You say that as if itā€™s shocking.