[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

prince* cant spell

I asked if outting your night action could help solve the confusion and you said no.

That is a straight up lie

I lied because I didnā€™t want to go in that direction yet.

@Italy did u actually get a message back from someone N1?

Keep in mind I thought we were lynching wolves at the time. Outing the results would shift the narrative completely, and because I was sure of my reads and V reading Alice, I didnā€™t want to turn everything on its head. I thought we were on the right track.
I was saving the result for when we could need to re-evaluate. Like today.

Do you think itā€™s possible Possessed was trying to puppet us and completely Buss their scum buddies?

If thatā€™s the case that means Possessed would be MM and the conversion would have happened last night instead of Night 1.

i meanā€¦ not really, because if that were the case, iā€™d be garunteed dead tonight

I still think the missing KP night 1 is suspicious af and kinda implicates DryBones/Chloe as NK since they were both occupied N1. Unless we think Possessed is NK.

Would also make sense why Italy was Day roleblocked only during when the plan was to Jail EVO.

if chloe is reaper it actually makes sense

i got a message from poss
but not from evo


But Possessed had correct Exhume results, and DryBones townslipped, so maybe itā€™s just exactly Chloe and Alice wasnā€™t lying about that part.

i thought butler was occ immune


but reaper isnā€™t (automatically)

it is

That answer gets answered tonight. :slight_smile:

Are you going to convert me?

iā€™ve already said that if alice is jailed then dry can empower occ me to prove im not reaper

they would have to use a soul which is unlikely n1 as they only have 2

Alice should 100% not be jailed here with prince being ocuppied