[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

shes dead

um maā€™am, may i please see your ABSOLUTELY POGGERS feet

On reads, I canā€™t believe either would. I guess I believe DB potential more than Chloe but not by much.

In the event EVO is legit, DB hard-tunneled him for most of the game.

DB = Dry not Dat

Why did Dry tunnel Evo?

Because he believed your slot was scum.

was there more to it than just that?

Weā€™re in three potential worlds here when it comes to the NK.

  1. Itā€™s Possessed, who somehow guessed that Unseen killed katze through immunity. Theoretically ā€“ not so difficult, considering he was jailed then and he would know that it wasnā€™t him, obviously. He also probably wouldnā€™t say ā€œBD,ā€ because very few BD killers attack night 1. He didnā€™t need to guess which wolf faction it was, because there was already a Sheriff claim in play.
  2. Itā€™s DryBones, because he was occupied night 1 by Chloe. This scenario confirms Chloe as an occupier.
  3. Itā€™s Chloe, because she was occupied night 1 by DryBones. Alice seems to think that, too, although sheā€™s openwolfing ā€“ and as such, her words should probably be taken with a grain of salt, regardless of who sheā€™s talking about. This scenario confirms DryBones as an occupier.
  4. Itā€™s none of the above. EVO is a legitimate Physician and got a successful save on his target night 1 (if I recall, it was Napoleon). This makes things way more difficult when it comes to figuring out who the NK is, but it also confirms him as a villager unless he was converted.

Iā€™m trying to figure out which is the most likely. When I compiled the Possessed thing, speaking on a strictly mechanical levelā€¦ there really isnā€™t much that clears him.


I healed him, dont know if it was save

It looked more like aggressive emotions. I think I missed it because he never tunneled on me and Iā€™m a counter-reader.

what do u mean by that?

So basically, NK is Possessed/Dry/Chloe or EVO is legit.

Clears me? Not the fact that Marshal will be alive by tomorrow?

Well, that is yet to happen, so it doesnā€™t clear you yet.

I can read people better when they push me.

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Well thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, ill be clear by tomorrow. There IS a way a get cleared.

Like If Marshal is bleeding or claimed healing, i could as well heal him to be sure, but it doesnt help with solving possā€™s slot. Is there anyone yall want me to exhume today?

Alice said the same thing :joy_cat: