[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I would rb you too

would be thunderdome
unless poss nk

Can you just admit your scum then so we donā€™t have to bother with a thunderdome.

If I were then that would be gamethrowing

And im not scum

The plan I devised:

Always lynch DryBones here and jail Alice (if she even CAN be jailed). Alice may be 100% wolf but she definitely converted someone last night since the jail didnā€™t work correctly, according to Italy at least.

Chloe occupies DatBird, SnakeEater shoots Chloe, I protect SnakeEater (or WIFOM. Iā€™m leaving this open. :D)

Alice (in Italyā€™s jail)
Chloe (attacked by SnakeEater)
DatBird (occed by Chloe)
Italy (jailing Alice)
Napoleon (wifoming a guard)
Possessed (wifoming a heal)
SnakeEater (attacking Chloe)
Vulgard (wifoming an Ice Ward)

The playerlist going into N4.

Alice probably survives because loldayocc but whatever. Iā€™m assuming DatBird is always Assassin here.

If Chloe dies and no one else dies:
1 save on NK kill, DatBird is Assassin occed by Chloe.
If Chloe dies and someone else dies:
No saves on NK kill, DatBird is Assassin occed by Chloe.
If Chloe doesnā€™t die and 2 people die:
Chloe is exactly NK who couldnā€™t occ DatBird, so both were free to act.
If Chloe doesnā€™t die and 1 person dies:
1 save on NK/Unseen kill, Chloe is exactly NK; OR no save on NK kill, DatBird is Assassin with exactly SnakeEater.
If no one dies, not even Chloe:
2 saves on both NK/Unseen kills and Chloe is exactly NK, or 1 save on NK kill and DatBird is Assassin with exactly SnakeEater.

This is all with the assumption DryBones is lynched today and ISNā€™T NK, and with the assumption nobody decides to no-action. If DryBones IS NK and gets lynched today, then:

If Chloe dies and no one else dies:
DatBird is exactly Assassin.
If Chloe dies and someone else dies:
Some weird fuckery is going on, but Dat is confirmed not Assassin.
If no one dies, not even Chloe:
DatBird is Assassin with exactly SnakeEater as convert.

I donā€™t think I got anything wrong here.

We have to replace the DryBones lynch with Alice

If Alice gets the day occ on italy, they haev tavernkeep abils and can kill pretty much anyone

No it wonā€™t be because your a tuff player and you want to help someone like me win because you like me.

my only problem with this whole plan is theres a easy way for the results to be swayed

Yeah. Someone with KP decides to no-action, bam.

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and that is kinda annoying, as ur plan relies on deaths while thats 100% out of my hands

and with possessed also healing it could stop even more

If you guys are really unsure about my slot.
Lynch Alice and Jail me.
Iā€™m Butler.
@Vulgard do you know if your actions go through or not?

New take.
Fuck nightplans, lynch Alice, kill DryBones in jail.


Alice has to be the lynch today

if they didnā€™t get the convert last night then we have majority tomorrow still

If she isnā€™t jailed, they can mix rooms and fuck the entire plan


Funny enough I was the one during Day 2 pushing Chloe and then they suddenly claim they are also Butler and checked me as I checked them

Wazza died through immunity last night. No idea what kind of NK makes that kill but Unseen would never make that kill either because they know Wazza can only be NK or legitimate Hunter. NK could still think it was Unseen fakeclaiming.


Nightplan still smart, but Alice is lynch

Donā€™t kill me but Jail me as youā€™d waste your Execution

Unseen never kill Wazza last night because they know heā€™s either NK (waste of an attack) or legitimate Hunter (who is probably bearing, too much of a risk). NK could try to kill Wazza thinking heā€™s Unseen.