[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

He Ice Warded you

Theoretically you could tinfoil Possessed N2 convert, but then there would be no n3 convert and Chloe is still not Unseen, so yeah. Chloe is either BD, NK, or Unseen. If Chloe is Unseen, Possessed is clear. If Chloe is BD, Possessed can still be Unseen. If DryBones isnā€™t NK, Chloe is NK.

Yeah I seen it after I typed

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Isnā€™t Chloe always the best kill in that scenario?

Another reason why I donā€™t think Chloe is NK is because sheā€™s mech clearing the only suspect other than herself and DryBones. Itā€™s against her wincon.

Well people need to stick to the fake claim

Youā€™d think sheā€™d leave the gates to a Possessed lynch open as NK.

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Or else they look sus.
So just showing them the will doesnā€™t indicate alignment.

Actually, Possessed canā€™t be n2 convert because if Chloe is real, then there shouldnā€™t have been 2 KP last night. Possessed would be Assassin rn. At worst heā€™s n3 convert, same with Chloe.

If Napoleon is NK Iā€™m going to crap my pants.

He canā€™t be. The Bounty was real.

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Unless you know of an NK that can bounty n1

He cant be

Thatā€™s why I said Iā€™m going to crap my pants if he flips NK

Okay I have to go in 5 minutes - will be gone for a few hours

If I need to defend myself or some shit, or if there is a change of plans, ping me and Iā€™ll see it eventually

Yeah no, I canā€™t be swayed to lynch Chloe here.

What if i lolcat?

Donā€™t you dare.

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Iā€™m tempted to find some cat pics

Donā€™t let the hackers get you too.

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My current take is DatBird Assassin, Possessed N3 convert and DryBones NK. Weā€™ll see how this goes. I feel like this is the most likely scenario tbh.