[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

That’s… actually a decent idea. Doesn’t work if you’re NK, but works if you aren’t.

This can only work after we kill NK.

Yeah it wouldnt confirm much if youre reaper

But it isnt a bad idea for after nk is out

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Now, did we completely rule Dat out of NK?

Is their any mechanical way I can prove to you I’m Butler?


EVO played so incredibly different from his Demon game I just cant see it

But maybe?

Only real way if something were not gonna do because Napoleon is pretty much conf GK

Having you occupy someone and Chloe…not do anything.

I’m not sure if I want to take that risk.

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Based on my chat with Alice N1 EVO seems like a top priority convert tbh. Unless I’m terrible at reading into what she said.
…I probably am. I completely miscleared her, after all.

If it will show you I’m actual Butler I AM going to do it!

No I think you are right

Dry just seems likelier. Are we really to believe NK hit Squid or me N1?

Well, if DryBones is NK then he was occed N1.

Neither you nor Squid seem like good early nightkill targets, tbh.


Does room swap still go through if I was jailed?

But I mean, lolwolves. They bled the King day 1 and nightkilled katze n1.

No way it does.

It doesnt

I asked

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If Vulgard is NE they should hard Claim and side with town

Also… will nappy be modkilled tonight if hes the person who replaced?

Whats the timeline on that?