[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

It does and doesn’t.

Convert hunting is awful, but NKs lurking is so dangerous. If Dry is legit Butler all bets are off on NK except you, King and Prince.

If Dry is legit Butler it’s most likely just Chloe, though. And we only have 1 Unseen left.

Could they mechanically know? Seems they haven’t missed a kill yet.

Or…was she the N1 convert which failed?

I mean, Alice said she tried to 2for1 but the kill failed on her…

That would imply a Sorc game though.

…bombs go through Hunter?

3 deaths on N2. King died to bleed, 1 to NK, 1 to Unseen, I assume. If 2f1 was used, 1 kill is missing, and Alice implied it was Chloe.
N2 is a common night to use 241.

I feel like if i say anything right now i might somehow incriminate myself

…Not really? Reaper would still live through Alice’s attack.

Am I dumb…? 3 kills and one was king means 2 Nightkills

King died to bleed on d1. Wasn’t a nightkill.


Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

3 kills the night king died right, including King?

Yes, but King died because he was bled d1 and nobody healed him.


Its possible either nk hit my party n2
Or they attempted the conv on me n2


Who started the idea that N2 was an unseen 2for1?


No one? Alice said she used 2f1 night 2, the targets were folaccount and Chloe, but Chloe didn’t die.

Fuck of course she did
