[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Actually, scratch that. There’s no way Unseen 2f1’d. Attacking Hunter there would be suicide.

…I apologize, but I really don’t understand these sentences. :bowing_man:

Aye. It is a mess indeed. But I can’t exactly use pure bias to vote people either! orz

FWIW, just because you give the possibility of you being converted, I will townread you.

NK definitely acted last night and killed Wazza. Possessed isn’t the NK.

The Wazza kill guarantees that NK was able to act last night, and Unseen never try to kill the Hunter claim because from their perspective, it’s either NK or a legitimate Hunter who might be bearing. No way.

Aye. Problem is; I only know 1 meta of him, and that’s when he was town from the Anime FM.
I don’t have any games of him being scum to compare his meta.

Eh… in other words, we kill Seth. Got it.

…ah. So that’s why. Okay, now things are making slightly more sense to me.

But how did Hunter die then? Hang on. I gotta check Wazza’s logs to see whether he used the trap at N3.

Umm… Excuse me, WTF?
How the hell did Wazza die?

Wait wait wait. Is it possible? Occ the bear, and then kill the hunter?

Hunter is occ immune. The kill must’ve been empowered to bypass immunity, and the NK must be Reaper because they survived the counterattack from Wazza. Remember that I empowered DryBones last night, so even if he didn’t empower his kill, I would’ve done that for him. The nightplan from yesterday involved me empowering DryBones, so he would’ve known in advance and could’ve taken this opportunity to kill Wazza.

So it was NK who killed Wazza. Meaning that it was US who killed Marshal…
Okay, I think I’m now up to date with the thread, more or less.
But that means that 2f1 wasn’t used, or was unlikely to be used, and…
NK either got emp’ed and/or someone occ’ed Wazza?

Wait, who the heck would even occ Wazza!?

Wait… Hunter isn’t occ immune.

If what you say is true, then Unseen 2f1 is still possible, but it also guarantees Chloe/DryBones to be converted. One of them is confirmed Unseen if Unseen killed Wazza.

It is a scenario where nightkilling Wazza makes sense from the pov of Unseen. I still don’t quite understand the reasoning behind it, though. Wazza was mislynchable and widely suspected.

Why? I don’t see anything of sort in the class card.

I agree that NK has to be reaper, since Bear bypasses Night Immunity. (The only role I know is Reaper… but then again I don’t know + haven’t checked other NK roles which can survive a fatal blow either.)

Hm… yeah, it must be Seth then.

Yeah no, my mistake, Hunter used to be occ immune but isn’t.

So either Chloe/DryBones is converted and occed Wazza to make the kill possible, or it’s just NK killing Wazza because they thought Wazza was Unseen and/or taking the risk because they’re Reaper and won’t die. Nothing else really makes sense here.

I feel like the first scenario unnecessarily implicates the convert, though. At the same time, I’m kinda surprised it hasn’t been brought up until now.

I would have Possessed exhume Wazza but it’s not like he’s lock clear.

…oh. Butler claims. But… we don’t know what happened.
…wait, how is that even possible? OG MM died D3, OG Assa became new MM N3. Even if convert became Assa, how did US occ Wazza?

We literally have too many possibilities, but each of them simply point DryBones (Seth) as US.

I feel like DryBones has been awfully quick to accuse literally everyone that isn’t him while neither Chloe nor Possessed did that. Feels NK-ish.

…Actually, yeah. MM died, so the OG Assa (Alice) became MM, and the convert, whoever they were, became Assassin…
And presumably, somebody was converted, unless DryBones is real…
Yeah, the “Wazza was occed” scenario is mechanically impossible. Back to my first thought. NK killed Wazza through immunity. Possessed is mechanically confirmed not NK unless Chloe is lying, and she has no motivation to cover for him as either BD or Unseen.

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