[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

If we play this right we don’t lose.
Chloe is NK. We get them. If I have to go first then so be it.
As for the Converted as I said it’s probably Snake. As I truly believe DatBird is Town.

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This game has been a mechanical disaster

Also having folaccounts logs could help immensely here


I think legitimately helping noobies next time would help the world out a lot more. Make sure they do that kinda stuff


cant help them if they dont show up

not folacct

I keep feeling like we have way less than nine players atm, as we have like 3 slots like barely posting. Prince MM and snake


Yeah thats why it feels hella mylo/lylo

Even tho we have a confirmed scum to lynch today

Realistically its either
2 v 1 v 5/6 (with a chance of neut)
3 v 1 v 4/5 (witch chance of neut)

it kinda relies on drybones slot.

I dont think we have a neut tbh

I just
Dont wanna even think about that

its not a good thought but its been worrying me


Its worrying
But idk who the hell it would be and how they could have messed up our mechanics so far

Except we decided this is impossible as long as DryBones is BD.
Which is also open in the air.

Hm… “What if Snake is Neut?”
…nah. Nevermind.

I know

Meh. The worst case scenario is that Snake is faking a newbie while actually evil. (Neut or US.)
But Occam’s Razor says that he’s either convert or BD.

Does this mean that we ought to kill DryBones first after all?

He isnt faking newbie

Hes new to both tol and fol

no we need to get rid of Alice to stop conversion. Thats priority


Alice has to be the lynch or she evades the jail

Ah… You’re never going to be a good paranoid with this attitude.
A real paranoid will always consider the unlikely, but scary possibilities.

After all, how do we know that he isn’t a clone account?

thats confirmed by mods, please dont angleshoot that