[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

If he’s neut he’s already lost, who cares. If Dry is NK, unseen have 3 players right now. Lynching a neut still gives them majority.

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Mastermind will dose prince then nobody dies tonight

No NK*

Vul wifom ice ward on me or zone since italy has confirmed kingguard

If you can target king

This should pause day votes?

Jesus Zone why wouldn’t you ask before using.

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What are you talking about? If there are 3 US and 2 Neuts (one of which being NK) then there are still 4 BDs left.

Then just exe him before we lynch Alice.

Thats not how it works

Its GT OR lynch

CW can target me with Ice Ward, yes.

I thought it was obvious to be wary of the inactives?

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No it isn’t. How else can you explain D2?

You cannot vote until SnakeEater has provided a defense, or 12 hours have passed.

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I hope to god this is actually a wolf because we could easily be GTing a villager here.


You hang Snake, NK gets a kill and assassin gets a kill with Alice jail…with NK jail assassin and maybe MM get convert if they missed it.

All for what you think is a neut but could be wrong.

For shame.

We absolutely 100% pardon this

But i guess it does give us time to make sure snake knows the nightplan

In case this is villager, I’ll 100% blame Napoleon.

You 100% take the blame for not communicating with your court.


Woah. Hold it. Why are you guys saying that there can only be 1 lynch if Snake gets lynched?

Its true

Its gt OR regular lynch

I think our King has dementia.

He might be mixing it up with bounty to be fair