[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

keep in mind that this is what caused Italy to claim. He was not out yet

that was a joke :joy:

Doesn’t change the fact that he still wanted em killed for no reason I can see.

It was a good one :slight_smile:.

At of all of those you choose to reply to me?

Not a fan of Wazza

why are you assuming that it was a real claim

Angleshooting Time :sunglasses:

I’m gonna make a PoE tonight because I’m generally very confident in my V reads

no what caused italy to claim was his own dumbassery, not a push by me. No competent prince claims there, italy was just a big dummi

big true but shh

i see the issue

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Speaking of that I need to focus more on those than scum

This will be fun to remember. Marshal claims through Arete’s spread sheet that Italy is NK. Italy is the Prince.

Marshal have you read before or do you want a refresher as to what has happened since you were gone?

nah if it’s tru imma say it

worse “oh marshal pushed prince to claim” then calling italy dumb for being dub

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Damn let’s stop shitting on my boy italy

i love that country

Yes because:

  1. I didn’t want to respond to Marshal.
  2. I wanted to respond to the first one I read.

Not a big fan of allowing you to live.

I’d like to know more in specific as I’m finding everyone townreading me kind of weird.

I usually start the game by default under a significant amount of suspicion as people fear my wolf game, but suddenly in less than thirty posts here I’m basically the consensus townread. I’m quite sure that 1-2 of these TRs are coming from the starting Cult/Unseen as TMI.

It has to be the food right?

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