[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Lol seriously.

Well, assassin still hasn’t 2for1ed so without a doubt they failed on NK. Alice’s story checks out.


Oh. Can’t we do that now then?
It’ll likely be a long time before he comes here anyways, right?

God, her progression and everything has been so good though.

…? Progression?

Chloe’s game goes weeeee.
But Alice’s logs go shshshshsh.
What am I doing.


I mean, if you want? Id rather wait at least 12 hours

She’s made good progression on her reads. None of them felt off.

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Tbh, where my mind is rn is that Zone and Italy are clear, I’m pretty clear, Possessed is clear to me, and that leaves Snake, DatBird, Chloe and DryBones. 1 or 2 of them are villagers, the others are wolves. If DryBones is real then we have 2 people there who are villagers. Meaning DatBird is last Unseen standing and Chloe is NK.
Snake is complete ???. That’s why I asked him to kill himself. As in, use his night ability on himself if possible, but I’m pretty sure that’s impossible.

It’s kinda difficult for me to rule him out as the convert when he isn’t doing a thing.

Humu. Okay.

/vote SnakeEater32

Entirely possible. This also means King was likely hit last night…which means ONCE AGAIN PRINCE WAS OPEN AND NOT HIT.

Fuck it, we can out our actions Vul. Whatever.

I self-cared.

Prince was open, and I feel like if Snake was Unseen, he’d totally go for the Prince. I Ice Warded Zone, because he said in the thread he’d guard Italy and I didn’t want to take chances.

If Snake was Unseen, the coast would be completely clear for him. He was being left alone by all the occupiers. He could totally go for the Prince there, killing a confirmed villager. But that didn’t happen, which makes me feel that Snake is slightly more likely to just be a villager who isn’t doing anything.


Incoming @Italy rant.

Humu… so, where does this leave us?

Where it leaves us is that SOMEHOW I’m still fucking alive despite being one of the most clear non-lock clear people in this final 8.

And that’s why I think a kill was blocked, because wtf.

So possibilities on who was hit:

Dat (This I doubt since Snake was ordered to kill him)

Hold up. We suspect NK to be Reaper, right?