[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

@ChopChop come confirm your occupation

i bet it was datbird
if it was snake itā€™s literally gg right here i think

mindmeld with arete

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Italy: outs as the most powerful BD killer on day 1, the class who literally every evil in existence wants dead as soon as possible
Also Italy: survives to day 6


Also @Chloe: Well played Reaper. Your scum game improved fast.

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its 1 against 6 atp as Dry confirmed occed Alice on convert night. So like it should be easy enough to win this

iā€™ve just realized we can never lose
thereā€™s 1 unseen remaining, max 2, against 5 or 6 bd, 2 of which are confirmed and 1 of which is close to confirmed (that being me)
we can just keep voting out people because they arenā€™t clear and with the number of protectives we have remaining itā€™s gonna be insanely hard for them to kill off the lock clear people

okay so insane tinfoil
what if zone is aristocrat>ek

Pretty much. We still have a prince and a butler around; Thatā€™s 2 night occs.

Literally impossible

this is the kinda possibility i would start to consider if none of datbird/snake/possessed are unseen

but like
itā€™s so unlikely

he was converted the same night he used bounty right? wouldnā€™t that still be possible. I say unlikely but possible

napoleon had an insanely villagery day 2

read his iso if you donā€™t believe me

I felt it even if so briefly on day 3. I think Zone is like > converted wolf. I think im doing that right. like higher chance hes GK than EK

after this game iā€™m gonna have an apology for the 4 (five?) villagers i tunneled like a dumbass
and many, many words for Alice

Its impossible. We lynched Squid before she could get a second convert, and the assassin killed that same night. Napoleon was already king.

King, Butler and Prince are CON-FIRMED.

can i have mine now please?

the only reason iā€™m saying youā€™re a wolf is by poe and because you have high convert equity due to the way alice treated your slot in our allies chat n1