[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Well i expect it post game at least

i canā€™t quote directly but she just didnā€™t talk about evo whatsoever despite the fact she should probably be talking about him too
i gave her my read on evo and she said nothing about it whatsoever, even though she did engage with my reads on villagers

thatā€™s fine tbh

Save the apologies and just try to not let great games you have get in the way of your reads. Its clear you thought your reads were infallable but thatā€™s not the caseā€¦ever. You have good games, you have bad ones.

Besides, your townread on Alice won this.

@Italy can u confirm u jailed anyone atp

and i think itā€™s indicative of the fact evo was being converted so alice didnā€™t want to make a statement and then ruin her progression based on how evo would play

i think iā€™ll wait for postgame before i start talking about this in more detail

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alice is highly aware of her progression and knows what sheā€™s doing
i think the reason she didnā€™t talk about evo was because he was being converted, and if she said he was villagery, then he started acting in a wolfy way day 2ā€¦ she would have to flip her read and that could be seen as off
you know what i mean

i RoSed last night

/unvote I need to check something first before I fully commit, but spiritually my votes on Snake

Yeah Iā€™m getting ahead of myself, but likeā€¦we canā€™t lose here.

yeah i have no clue what that means

snake is the most underwhelming replacement ever
i donā€™t mean to insult the person behind the screen but if youā€™re not playing, and youā€™re coasting, then youā€™re unfortunately not in my good graces

same goes for gypyx replacing luxy but gypyx at least tried to do something in allies chat and then in the thread by GTing Braixen
you can question how good the move was but at least there was an attempt

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Would you blame him? His team was wiped. Iā€™d lose motivation too.

Would also make sense as to why CRich justā€¦bounced even though thatā€™s against the rules to strategically sub out

this game would be so much easier to end if there was a different player in snakeā€™s slot because how am i supposed to read a player who isnā€™t playing

you know how in ToL
if you donā€™t jail anyone, you default to a room where youā€™re reading a book?
thatā€™s called the Room of Shame

losing motivation =/= completely noposting like come on
at least post
p o s t

ok but can u confirm ur not doing that today?