[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

You’ll learn how to read me one day Marshal, I have faith. :pray:

italy isnt the best sample size :^)

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Frankly I’d wish this discussion would stop. Our Prince is already outed and if Luxy is correct with his guess that this is an Unseen game then we don’t need to give ideas on how to dunk Italy.

Let’s take balance feedback to the feedback thread after the game. We are going to have to deal with these changes (CL and/or MM) for this game no matter what - so we might as well figure it out


That I said it was me? Do you think that id pull that play, call it stupid and jokingly claim it was me?

I disagreed with changes based upon a sample size of two but priestess continued ree-ing that it was too townsided.

Guys I got a solution to the problem

Kill everyone until we hit an immune

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But we can discuss this in FoL feedback thread

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idk why i said and/or


The 1 positive for this change is how the MM can basically choose themselves as an investigate MM, support MM or something like that.

And I’ll stop discussing it now.

FoL has more room for change compared to ToL. I mean the developers don’t seem to be in a hurry to change ToL no?

if this game is a bastard multiball game you just scumslipped hard

@mastermind if you exist take sherrif no balls

Well if MM flips, we can adjust our gameplay accordingly, as we will know what abilities the new assa has (if they keep them - i think it was said that they do share the abils)

Bring back noble twins

If you noobs didn’t know

Noble Twins was a passive that ment that there were 2 nobles if there ever was 1 noble
This passive made it so that if one noble was converted, both would be converted.

4 person unseen chats were real

ok boomer

Fuck y0ou

Sorry already took Mystic, gonna link you tonight and send you pictures of rocks