[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Yo I can’t sleep

here ye here ye
i have come to make an announcement

wait was wazza just… actually bled


i scumread wazza ofc i bled him

the madlad actually did it.

Two players bled so far.


quite a gamer moment

kat u can go in towncore for now a wazz bleed is whackodoodle for scum and gscum likely already wasted bleed on luxy

Well two claimed bleeds.

If you actually believed that I’m surprised lol

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good job wazza we fooled marshal

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Clearly you don’t know mine and Katze’s powerwolfing poggers :^)

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Oh you nerds

I see you

oh were u :b:oinking me


You say that when you’re literally Arete 2.

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no @arete2 is arete 2

Katze litterally claimed alc are you stupid lmao

why would hunter out a bleed like that and just… die tonight


i cant tell if this is an insult or a compliment

dont… talk to my sister like that?

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you fucking