[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I want him to stop talking like he’s on CS:GO teamchat.


If you want to report something someone said you use your class card for that

No reporting, were all adult-ish people here.

Sure, that works too, but I am also calling on social consequences for acting the way he does

that or flag the post

right now it seems like you are trying to leverage this for a modkill or some shit. jfc.

this whole game is a mess. Can we stop with the toxicity please

EVO drop it. Hosts are aware, and I am aware. Let’s get back to the game yeah? No need for drama

see but that’s not what you should do.

“social consequences” isn’t good punishment and only hurts the game. Leave it up to the hosts or flag the post

Pick a Colour.
Blue or Red?

This is entirely contradictory


I’m not taking Luxys shit personal and ill be over it after this game, but admittedly I’m more focused on making Luxy look foolish than actually wanting to win so.

Both are eh colors to me

Marshal confirmed neut

break it up or i start breaking skulls

Derps, Your already on my Town Reads!

why would anyone want to do this

whats the point

am i the only one trying to win the game

What colour do you like the most?

I mean I’m 98% sure I know what you’re trying to do with this and so does everyone else

also dry that reactiontest is common here.

everyone knows picking blue is worse and red is better

so i pick red
