[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

But I don’t think CRich’s posts have been any different this game? His motivation seems similar. In fact, I’d say he’s been doing a better job, because he has substantially more reads.

Posts like these are going to make me hate you.

I feel like you would have stated you like Red better right away no?

To be honest I kinda share this perspective. He’s null for me - and he swings town and wolf fuckin 24/7.

He seems genuine and pure and I’ve never seen a scum game from him - but he always seems to… point out the obvious in this game, if that makes sense. It’s like he says things just to get content out there

He’s also a potential candidate to have bled Luxy, as he is newer to the game, and keeps providing scum with an alibi saying it was “to drag healers away from prince”

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Ill start a list in my logs of who caused this loss, maybe you’ll listen then.

Ok, but why did you only just say the first part when I asked which one you like better.

Why he’s legit openwolfing or saying he’s going to game throw both worthy of the axe

well i knew what you were going for.

Dry i urge you not to base your reads off of “which color is better” reactiontests because they are shit reactiontests especially because i know them.

if i wanted towncred i woulda just said red but this is stupid

Holy shit someone who actually justifies a CRich Null-scumlean exists besides me? Holy shit.


Yeah - and you can read through my posts and see I’m not pulling it out of thin air. I’ve voiced my suspicion before on him

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Im cosplaying as you this game :clown_face:

If Crich is not a villager, I don’t think he’s groupscum.

Can confirm

Lol I don’t threaten to post pictures for the rest of the game when scumread

If you seen 3 Guys.
A Guy in a Hood, Guy in Glasses and a Guy in a Sport Jersey. Who would you go up to first?


uh probably the guy in the glasses because chances are that guy is a nerd and i want to beat them up

If the dude in the hood is marshal imma beat him up

Guys we have 43 minutes to fake claim or classes

What if that person is Derps.
What then?

Not the same reason as be but alright