[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

disagree with marshal? town!


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Oh, probably not.

Dud ehtat is impeccable logic

see you are clearly scum because you agree with marshal

(what does jfc mean?)

Marshal, it gives town cred because of how aggressive you are being, scum is less likely to go against you so they arenā€™t spotlighted

oh shit guess iā€™m scum ez exe

Yo could you answer my question? Actually Iā€™ll reword it. Why did you vote Braixen?

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jfc = jesus fucking christ

cuz thats my mood rn

Very honest of you to admit that lol Iā€™ll keep that in mind

I read braixen as scum because he is two faced

Half of the Time he is acting serious and giving actual reads
While the other half of the time he acts jokingly and inhibits the flow of the gameplay

Im not digging it up by Iā€™d say youā€™re usually 70-80% of the time right on me.

I think you are embellishing some things in your speech and it seems scummy to me tbh

I do have to go though, ill discuss later.

that wasnt supposed to be replied to that post but yeah

From how EVOā€™s been just being his own island and going ahead with contrarian opinions I think he may be town rn.

right =/= identifying AI meta tells

u say i have found and mentioned meta tells i have found on you in previous games but i didnā€™t say such things

Hello, Napo.
I suppose you want to park your vote on me till you return yes?

imma look for a poss scum game since he wonā€™t do it for me but i donā€™t know where to find one

DryBones give some in-depth reads please, you have given mostly responses or comments