[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

I’m pretty sure Ami claimed Hunter d1.

she isn’t

I simply misread what Marshal was saying

im conflicted

braix hella villagery
but also
hella failed that reactiontest

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all day one

I litterally misread what you were saying…

How many times have I asked this game what is a Wolf? What does this certain phrase mean?

She did soft claim a BD killer class D1.

Braixen said: “Why wouldn’t Hunter be a fun class, it has retribution” Along with believing Hunter was Unique but NEVER counterclaiming me.


Where did he claim he thought Hunter was unique?

wait what did I miss wtf.

like… fucking thinking hunter had retri/misreading that is bad but it’s possible

damn this if tru tho nvm

inm searching now

it’s deffo not 4

Me doing a bad job at covering up, what I really wanted to say was, Oh shit he doesn’t? and then I re-read my classcard.

It’s actually just 3. Ami didn’t actually claim Hunter.

It was in his posts and inference from the sidelines.

He didn’t explicably say it.

and who is the one that isn’t wazz or braix

Who’s the other apart from me and Braixen?

I’m 99% sure we all believe me over Braixen.

Even if you don’t trust me.

how is this not alice softing hunter

am i stupid?
did alice hardclaim somewhere?

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