[FoL] Forum of Lies 27 - 10 day FoL (2/18) - Blue Dragon win

Yet I’m not talking about you.

uwu, sorry, i missed how obviously obvious you were being about it being possessed, not me

He was scum reading me hard and got angry that Vulgard and Marshal disagreed with his read on me.

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See, that has more detail to it, I like that read

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Also he got into an argument with Luxy, which resulted in Luxy getting replaced by Gypsy.

Because its useful to gamesolve.

And it could be groupscum.

It was the things luxy said that caused it, and either way we can’t talk about the nature of replacements.

yes i contradicted myself deal with it

Yet it isn’t hard to add two and two here.

I see what you are saying. He also openclaimed Phys, which is weird for a healer to do d1

I mean, if I ever die then it’s just straight up because possessed thinks I am a Paladin and is outting that thought.
Granted I don’t know how strong investigatives are in this setup, and it looks like most of these roles have 4 or more parts whereas the Paladin and the Princess have only 3.

Braixen guessed I was support which I found weird and it led to me eventually claiming. Its not really that big of a deal since I have self-heals so my only fear would be conversion and Italy hooked me up with a jail so go me.

You might be braver than me too, which made your decision to out D1 strange to me


Like I said, if I picked it up…so did scum. Scum are way more observant than town because they have to be. You’re jumping to bad conclusions.

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I do have to agree with Possessed here. For someone that played 7 years forum maf you asked a random ass example class question then worry about the person that happens to think maybe that class is your class?

That’s why you ask those questions in classcard, not publically.

this is completely not game relevant at all but like
do you really expect someone who’s been playing for as long as I have to out their rolecard in the thread when trying to learn the setup? At best, it’s some kind of wifom.


So, you should 100% not read into it whatsoever, and just move on

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tbh i thought you just lied about experience to get respect, since your name is so…creative I assumed you were like 13

is being a salty nerd really something worthy of respect?